关于「 goldi」的内容列表

Fireblocks executive: X Money is expected to support crypto payments by the end of the year

Ran Goldi, senior vice president of payments and networking at Fireblocks, revealed that he has heard that X Money could support crypto payments by the end of 2025. Goldi pointed out that more and more large payment companies are formulating digital asset strategies, which also makes the market look forward to X Money's future cryptocurrency integration. X Money announced a partnership with Visa in January this year to launch digital wallet recharge, bank account transfer and P2P payment functio...

2025-02-13 18:55:22
Fireblocks高管:预计X Money年底前支持加密支付

Fireblocks 支付与网络高级副总裁 Ran Goldi 透露,他听闻 X Money 可能在 2025 年底前支持加密支付。 Goldi 指出,越来越多大型支付公司正在制定数字资产战略,这也让市场对 X Money 未来的加密货币集成充满期待。X Money 今年 1 月宣布与 Visa 合作,推出数字钱包充值、银行账户转账及 P2P 支付功能,但当时并未提及加密支付计划。不过,由于马斯克本人与加密货币行业的长期...

2025-02-13 18:55:22

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